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  • Phonogram report

    Have you submitted your phonogram report? It is required for remunerations.

    Submit your phonogram report

    A phonogram report is an electronic report that is submitted to Gramex. Gramex pays out remunerations to artists and producers based on the report. Phonogram reports are submitted in the MyGramex portal. Since remunerations can be paid out the same year they are collected, it is recommended that the report is submitted as soon as possible.

    Please remember that paying out a remuneration is not possible if no report for a phonogram has been submitted, even if the performed or the producer has a client agreement with Gramex.

    The phonogram report is usually the responsibility of the producer, but in some cases it may also be submitted by the performer.

    Schedule for Phonogram Reports

    Since we distribute remunerations in the same year they are collected, it is recommended to submit the phonogram report in MyGramex as soon as possible after the release. Otherwise, you may face unnecessary delays in receiving remunerations. The schedule for phonogram reports shows the deadlines for submitting reports to ensure they are included in each distribution cycle.

    How do I submit a phonogram report?

    Phonogram reports are submitted in the MyGramex portal. Upon receiving the report, Gramex gets the following information, among others:

    We send a link to an electronic client agreement for all new clients (both producers and performers) using the contact information in the phonogram report. Clients who already have an agreement in place are also notified of a new reported phonogram.

    The phonogram report is needed even if the phonogram is released only as a single or digital copy, for instance. As you fill out the report, you can open the below video or written instructions in another window. Unfortunately the video is only in Finnish

    Written instructions

    Frequently asked questions about phonogram reports

    What is the role of the producer of a phonogram?
    The producer of a phonogram is the party that has paid for creating the phonogram and bears the financial responsibility for it. The producer can be either a private individual or a company (such as a record label). If there are multiple producers, you can make a joint production agreement here. Remember to add the agreement as an attachment to your phonogram report.
    Why is there no phonogram report menu displayed in MyGramex?
    The phonogram report menu is displayed on MyGramex to all producer clients. If you have a performer (artist) client agreement, no link to a phonogram report is displayed. It is still possible to report a missing phonogram but please contact our customer service first (tilitys (at) gramex.fi) so that we can unlock the required section of the portal.
    When do I need to submit a phonogram report?
    It is a good idea to submit a phonogram report immediately once a song/phonogram is published. But if you do not submit the report immediately, you can also submit it later as we pay remunerations dating back three years.
    Should I still submit a phonogram report for a song released a couple of years ago?
    Yes, you should still submit a phonogram report even if the song is a bit older. Gramex will pay remunerations that date back up to three years. And it is possible that the recording will be played again in the future.
    The producer did not submit a phonogram report. Can I do it myself?
    Yes, you are also allowed to submit a phonogram report. You must provide all codes and information related to the phonogram as well as song-specific performer shares.
    I play on a foreign band’s song. Why can’t I see the song in MyGramex?
    Foreign producers do not automatically report songs they produce to Gramex, so please submit a phonogram report for the song. You can submit a phonogram report in the MyGramex portal.
    We have self-released a recording. How do we submit a phonogram report?
    You must always choose a producer for a self-published recording. You may list several producers for the recording. If there are multiple producers, you should sign a joint production agreement. After this, the producer may submit a phonogram report via the MyGramex portal.
    How do I report a joint production?
    When a phonogram has multiple producers, it is considered a joint production. You can report a joint production together with a phonogram report by adding this attachment to the report.
    What is a catalogue number and where can I get it?
    The producer assigns a mandatory catalogue number to the phonogram. The catalogue number is the same code as the “recording identifier” required by Teosto. The code is typically a combination of letters and numbers (such as BÖCD 01). This should be a unique code with a maximum length of 19 characters. NOTE! Catalogue number identifies the entire phonogram while the ISRC code is track-specific.
    How do I submit a music video report?
    If you have filmed a music video for your phonogram, you must report it to Gramex. A music video report is required for any remunerations. Use this link to print out a music video report and submit it to Gramex (tilitys (at) gramex.fi).
    Frequently asked questions

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    Service Developer
    +358 10 248 9205