Music video report
How do I make a music video report?

Submit a music video report
Gramex sells licences for public presentation and TV use of music videos. You need a licence when music videos are played in, for instance, a restaurant, bar, concert or as part of a TV programme. Remunerations of music video use are paid to producers and performers of music videos. Remunerations require that the producer has submitted a music video report to Gramex. You can easily submit the report by filling out the form below and submitting it to us.
Frequently asked questions about music video reports
What is a music video?

Music video is a visual recording of music that presents a musical composition or part of it.
Why are music video remunerations different for producers and performers?

The law considers the performers on the video and the video’s producer in a slightly different manner. Because a music video is a cinematographic work, the music video producer has rights similar to a movie producer. Therefore, licence from the producer is required to play a music video in public. These licences are sold by Gramex. Artists or musicians performing on a video are also entitled to remunerations but with more specific terms. The law stipulates that Gramex may pay remunerations to performers if the music video has been filmed in Finland or in another EEA country and the included phonogram has been recorded in Finland.