• FI
  • SV
  • Advocacy

    We work to ensure that musicians and producers are remunerated for their work.

    For the Music

    In addition to selling licences and paying remunerations, we also work for music in other ways. We actively lobby legislators in Finland and Europe to ensure that the rights of music performers and producers continue to be protected. Our advocacy focuses on issues such as copyright legislation, the development of the music industry and social and unemployment protection for artists, and the overall promotion of the role of music and culture in society.

    Together with others

    There is power in cooperation. That’s why we work in strong cooperation with our member organisations, other music industry operators and with Luovan työn tekijät ja yrittäjät Luovat ry. Gramex’s Director of Advocacy is responsible for leading the advocacy work of the Luovat ry. We are also responsible for the Musiikkiala.fi website, where industry players have compiled researched information on the impact of the music sector.

    What do copyrights protect?
    Copyrights protect the outcomes of authors’ and performers’ creative works, their moral rights, as well as producers’ investments into content production.
    What is the Act on the Collective Management of Copyright?
    Copyright societies are regulated by the Act on the Collective Management of Copyright. It safeguards the right of self-determination of holders of copyright and rights related to copyright, promotes the functioning of copyright markets and requires that copyright societies are transparent and responsible in their management of copyright. Gramex’s operations likewise fall under the Act on the Collective Management of Copyright, vesting Gramex with certain duties and responsibilities. For instance, Gramex publishes a transparency report annually, as stipulated by the Act on the Collective Management of Copyright. Gramex also ensures that its website provides sufficient information on rights management to music performers, phonogram producers and music users. The Finnish Patent and Registration Office oversees copyright administration societies that fall under the Act on the Collective Management of Copyright.
    What rights do music performers and phonogram producers have?
    The rightsholders of phonograms receive both economic and moral rights. The economic rights mean, for instance, an exclusive right to reproduce the work and make it available to the public. Moral rights are intended to ensure that the name of the song’s author or performer is stated in accordance with fair practice when a song is played (“right to be named”), and that the work may not be altered or the song played in a way that offends the author (“right of integrity”).
    What are copyright societies?
    Copyright societies manage copyrights and grant licences on behalf of the rightsholders they represent. Gramex, for example, was founded by music performers and phonogram producers. Through copyright societies, music users can conveniently obtain the licences they need from one place without having to agree on phonogram use separately with each rightsholder. Finnish copyright societies include Gramex, Teosto, Kopiosto, Sanasto and Kuvasto.

    Contact us

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    Lauri Kaira
    Senior Advisor
    +358 10 248 9214