Information for producers
This page includes matters that are of interest to producers.
According to Gramex’s rules of distribution, a producer of a phonogram is “a person or corporate body which is responsible for the first recording of the performance, i.e. usually the party which provides funding or bears the financial responsibility in the recording phase.” In other words, the term does not refer to a so called creative producer but a person who “pays the bills” in the recording phase. Producer may be e.g. a record company.
A ‘phonogram’ is any recording or file that contains audio, including a CD, an MP3, an audio tape, or an audio file on computer memory, USB drive or streaming service.
Phonogram report on MyGramex
After the phonogram has been published, a related phonogram report should be made by the end of the next month. The report is mandatory. Without it, artists and producers are not eligible for Gramex remunerations. The phonogram report is required for all recordings, including singles and radio promos. Phonogram reports are submitted in the MyGramex portal. Printed reports are no longer accepted.
Music videos
In legislation, music videos are considered audiovisual works of art. Music video producer’s rights to a video are the same as a movie producer’s to a movie. Gramex and IFPI Finland have a cooperation agreement regarding remunerations and licences.
Transfer of rights
The original producer holds the right to a Gramex remuneration. However, they may transfer their rights. The transfer must be done in writing, and the resulting agreement must be submitted to Gramex.
Joint production
If a phonogram is produced jointly by several people or companies, it is a so called joint production. In such cases, all parties must sign a joint production agreement that identifies the parties and their percentage shares. This agreement is submitted to Gramex as an appendix to the phonogram report.