• FI
  • SV
  • Simulcasting

    Simulcasting refers to the simultaneous and unaltered online broadcast of commercial radio broadcasts. Gramex collects remunerations for simulcasts.


    The remuneration for a simulcast depends on the total advertising income of the radio station and the overall broadcasting time for phonograms recorded in the United States (so called US share of protected phonograms). Calculation grounds for remunerations are reviewed each calendar year. The calculations are based on advance information regarding turnover and protection data that radio stations submit to Gramex. Simulcasts are reported to Gramex in writing. Gramex bills the remuneration monthly in accordance with the below price list, together with the radio’s performance remuneration bill.

    Price list for simulcasting

    US share of protected phonograms of overall broadcasting time<20%20,01–40%40,0160%60,0180%80,01100%
    A Turnover more than €1,000,000 / year
    Charge €/year
    5424,307750,5010 077,8012 400,5014 727,80
    Turnover €750,001–1,000,000 / year
    Charge €/year
    Turnover €400,001–750,000 / year
    Charge €/year
    Turnover €0–400,000 / year
    Charge €/year

    VAT is added to all prices.

    Simulcasting abroad

    After Gramex has approved the simulcast, the broadcast may be received outside Finland, provided that the international reception remains marginal. Marginal international reception refers to reception in which less than 5% of the overall listeners of the broadcast are located in a single country other than Finland. 

    If the reception exceeds the marginal limit, the radio station notifies Gramex of this. Then, Gramex or the party representing phonogram rightsholders in the country of reception negotiate a separate remuneration for international reception.

    Simulcasting reporting

    The radio station is not required to provide a separate phonogram report for simulcasts. Instead, this information is included in the regular monthly FM broadcast reports.

    Reporting guidelines for radio stations

    Contact us

    Contact us if you have any further questions about simulcasting.

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    Elmo Helokumpu
    Key Account Manager
    +358 10 248 9213