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  • Internet radio

    Gramex sells licences for using music on internet radio (webcasting).

    Who is this for?

    The actual internet radio licence is designed for linear internet radio stations that use recorded music. The licence is designed for radio stations with annual income exceeding 50,000 euros and for internet radio stations controlled by companies and organisations where the content is primarily designed to support their own operations in customer or office facilities, for instance.

    The licence covers permits for broadcasting internet radio abroad in the countries specified in Gramex’s country list, if such agreements have been made.

    To make the agreement, contact Gramex customer service (see bottom of page).


    Remuneration is based on:

    1) how much protected phonograms have been listened to (per track, per stream), or
    2) income from the internet radio’s operations (percentage share).

    The remuneration is based on whichever is higher of the two. The minimum remuneration is €126,14 /channel/month.

    An example calculation on ‘per track per stream’ remuneration

    APrice / € track per stream0,0023 € (with the formula on lines E to H)
    BAverage number of daily listeners8 000
    CAverage listening time per listener20 min
    DAverage number of protected phonograms played in one hour12
    EAverage hourly remuneration per listener0,0276 €A x D
    FEstimated number of hours listened daily2 666,7 hB x C : 60 min
    GEstimated daily remuneration73,6 €E x F
    HEstimated monthly remuneration2 281,6 €G x 31

    An example calculation on income-based remuneration

    Remuneration is calculated with the following formula:
    Percentage of protected phonograms of total broadcast time : 8.5 = remuneration amount

    Phonogram use accounts for 30% of the radio station’s broadcast time. In this case, the percentage equals 30 / 8.5 = 3,53% of all income.

    In terms of an internet radio’s income, what will be considered when determining the size of remuneration?
    The music licence price for an internet radio can be determined based on how much protected phonograms have been listened to (per track per stream) or on the income from the internet radio’s operations. Internet radio’s income refers to all income (excluding taxes) from radio operations, including advertising, adverts, sponsoring and other equivalent activities, as well as fees collected from listening to the broadcast.


    The customer provides Gramex with a monthly report on its internet radio broadcasting, serving as the basis for calculating the remuneration. The report should be submitted by the 15th of the month following the month of streaming. In the report, the customer indicates the average number of phonograms used per broadcast hour and the total listening time for all listeners during the month of the track play, i.e. the total listening time of all individual broadcast listeners.

    Radio stations must provide data on all phonogram use in their broadcasts to Gramex each month. The report must be delivered by the 21st of the month following the use of the sound recordings. Performance data of the recordings is reported to Gramex as instructed in our reporting guidelines.

    Reporting guidelines (in Finnish)


    Remuneration is billed monthly based on the phonogram reports and revenue reports received from the radio station. The broadcasting company has a 14-day payment term. Penalty interest will be charged for late payments in accordance with applicable laws.

    Contact us

    Please contact us for an agreement or ask for more details!

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    Elmo Helokumpu
    Key Account Manager
    +358 10 248 9213