• FI
  • SV
  • Community radio

    Gramex can provide you with a licence for a non-profit radio channel.

    Who is this for?

    Community radio licences are intended for licensed, non-commercial radio stations. The station must be a non-profit organisation providing a so called social benefit. The programming is mainly produced by non-governmental organisations and/or volunteers. The licence covers both FM broadcasts and simulcasts.


    Remuneration is determined in accordance with the below community radio price list. The remuneration amount is calculated based on both the annual hours of use of protected phonogram music and the population in the coverage area. The price list is revised annually.

    Price list

    Protected phonogram music, annual hours of usePopulation in the coverage area (maximum)
    A: 100 000
    or less
    B: 100 001 – 2500C: More than 250 000
    1. Maximum 900 hours = 75 h / month on average1 588,72 €2 515,47 €3640,16 €
    2. 901 – 1800 hours = 76 – 150 h / month on average1 985,89 €3177,43 €4633,76 €
    3. 1801 – 3000 hours = 151 – 250 h / month on average2 383,06 €3812,95 €5626,05 €
    4. 3001 – 4200 hours = 251 – 350 h / month on average2 780,26 €4448,41 €6619,64 €
    5. More than 4200 hours = more than 350 h / month on average3177,43 €5083,88 €7611,94 €


    The radio station does not have to report which phonograms have been used.


    Gramex charges an annual remuneration according to the above price list, primarily charged as a single fixed fee in the following May–August on an invoice submitted by Gramex. Current value added tax is added to each remuneration.

    Contact us

    Please contact us for an agreement.

    Person image
    Show profile
    Petri Kiiski
    Licensing Manager
    +358 10 248 9230